Saturday, October 18, 2008

English: 84/100
Math: 70/100
Chinese: 20/100
Science: 66/100
History: 78/100
Home econ: 78/100
DNT: 73/100
Art: 58/100
Lit: Chidori Rai was absent, again.

Be proud of me! Har har har. Mama and Papa was so happy with my results that they're willing to give me one hundred bucks for me to shop and yipee yay yah hoo hah, they're going to fix the internet! I don't have to go to the community centre anymore. But who knows, the previous exams I did might pull me down. :(

Everybody seemed so sad nowadays. Huili can't promote to NA next year so she either have to go to NT or retain for one more freaking year. Meena is changing school. Cassandra is going crazy and losing her faith in love. I wish I could do something to help them.

I was suppose to go out with the Utensils today, but Vivian doesn't want to. Vivian, what's up with you? You seemed so moody nowadays. And I'm chatting with Yunqian like crazy now, lol. I miss utensils.

You friggin, oblivious copymonkey.
You've got no sense of originality.

So I decided to bold this and hopefully it'd catch your attention:

Okay, I got ten 'IGNITED!' tickets up for sale. It costs only ten freaking bucks. Its held at the Victoria Concert Hall and the concert starts at 7.30pm. And duh, its open to the public. Whoever wants to buy, tag at me blog or call my phone okay. Regent and Hougang will also be performing.

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