Friday, October 10, 2008

I think I screwed up history, badly. I didn't have the time to do the SBQs and I left one question that consist of three questions undone and its going to cost me fifteen marks. And of course I'm going to fail chinese. If you were to saw my paper, you'd be taking your hands of me and you'd probably stop teaching chinese anymore. Its going to pull me down. Definitely. (Bangs head on the wall for one hundred and thirty five times)

I have confidence for english, science and maths though, har har har.


I know 11989 has just broken up with you, and I know its hard. He will eventually return to you again. Remember: IT'S ONLY TEMPRORAILY. I don't know what's "true love" for the both of you, and as I said in my profile, I am romantically handicapped. No guy has ever said any phrase from Romeo and Juliet to me before and I never even got my first kiss yet. But I hope you can survive the days w/o him, okay, Pig? Try to get over this heartache, and duh, extreme headache from the examinations. Erm, I'll buy for you panadols. The headache one, not the, er, strawberry jam one. But I think there's no heartache panadols. Someone should really invent one. :B



"Head, and shoulder, mouth and cheek.
Mouth and cheek.
Mouth and cheek.
Head, and shoulder, mouth and cheek.
Dee dee dee doo.
Head, and shoulder-- VENI STOP IT.
Head, and shoulder, Veni stop it!

"One little, two little, three little bangla.
Four little, five little, six little bangla.
Seven little, eight little, nine little bangla.
Ten bangla waiting for us to go."

Okay, it sounds ridiculous, it looks ridiculous and Veni just irritated me for like twenty minutes and I was like ridiculously laughing like someone who just got mad cow disease, and duh, I have to wee wee once in a while. My name is not How-weeeeeeeeeeeeeee for no reason. Okay now don't mock me. :(


I don't think I'll want to blog anymore. :(
I wonder when's mummy repairing the modem.

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