Saturday, March 27, 2010

"My Chemical Romance and Bob Bryar parted ways. This was a painful decision for all of us to make and was not taken lightly. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors and expect you all to do the same."

That's all I get: The smallest paragraph in the letter dated Mar 3, 2010. This is incomprehensible. It's not fair that there was absolutely no explaination to his departure. This is way worst than a break up and I'm not okay. I swear, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be setting my aspirations straight years ago to try and be one of the world's renowned female drummer, or rather, to be just like him. But what the fuck is happening now?!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Doing some nifty elective module about finance for the whole week at ITE Bishan with the usuals (Meena, Joey, Huili, Cassandra, Geraldyn, Abegail and Elizabeth) and I swear that I'll never take business in the future. Never.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hong Kong trip with Shuqun Wind Orchestra, 15th - 19th March.

Photos courtesy of my recently departed camera, Syafiqah, Jolie and the Hong Kong school band's Facebook.

Nyeh heh heh. I had the best week of my life. The only setback was... My camera broke. You have no idea how devastated I am right now. Next big project: Concert at Victoria Concert Hall!