Sunday, November 15, 2009

Photos from the successful graduation ceremony over at Peirce today:

Look at Kenneth, the guy whose middle finger is equivalent to the size of his dick. Lulz. Just joking!

I was actually quite dubious of Mr Lim's plans of playing along in the crowd in the midst of playing Hawaii-Five-O.
But look at everybody! Very ~glorious~ moment.

And then SSW stood up and clapped along!

Not forgetting Regent Wind Symphony and the other selected players.

Pauline Fun looks happy lol.

Fuck yeah Shuqun Symphonic Winds!

Syafiqah insisted we take group photos with the percussionists from the three schools. So voila. Regent's percussionists!

And Hougang's percussionists!
We couldn't find Peirce's though.

Caught 2012 with muah besties Yunqian and Viv at Lot One because we are beasts.
It was an impromptu movie date but still... Awesome.

The movie was fucking immense!! I was actually quite skittish for this before the movie started. But the moment the credits roll at the end of the movie, it was kinda dumbfounding. So much the whole ~glimmer of hope~ shit when everyone else around the globe died.

And I'm going to get myself into the Ark if this apocalypse really happens!

Om nom nom nom nom nom nom.


Garda said...

Link Me!

Jegan said...

Hi, Miss Fun used to be my Pri6 form teacher. Is there any way you could get me in touch with her? My email address is I would really appreciate it if you could get me in touch with her!