Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Is it okay if I don't blog anymore?
Because this beast has lost it all.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Last week, I went for Farah's SNYO concert at Esplanade with Syafiqah, Danish, Wedding, Sharifah and Iman. Its been a long while since I went for concerts like these!
And I ditched school today. I feel glorious.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today was extra fantabular. We hung around at the furniture shop, had peach yoghurt raining with fruity pebbles, bummed around at Yami Yoghurt, smuggled in half a dozen of sushi into the cinema like a bad ass, still bought popcorn and coca fucking cola and caught Despicable Me with Sharifah, Wedding, Danish and Kenneth. I don't get why people has to specifically quote this from Despicable Me: "Its so fluffy, I'm gonna die!" Go do on a cotton candy and fucking die then. No seriously. What the fuck do you want to know? Food is bliss and Gru's accent for the fucking win! Sorry for the abbreviated post. I feel intoxicated from coke. Mmm.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

National Band Competition 2010 -
Shuqun Wind Orchestra, Gold With Honors!

Although this competition isn't as renowned and popular as SYF, this means the whole universe to the band, especially after clinching gold with fucking honors. Holy smokes I feel like god. I can never emphasize how just amazing this feels. Thank you everyone for your congratulatory messages! And congratulations Shuqun Wind Orchestra!! This year has been a legendary one for us!

And I've just realised for two competitions straight, I've actually been playing on the traditional chinese drums.
Time to join some ah beng lion dance troop. Tong tong cheng tong cheng tong cheng!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Photos from Soundscape courtesy of Hengky the blessed breasts's DSLR, 12th June 2010: